Treading Water
Jan 01, 2025I feel like I’m sinking.
It’s as if I’m treading water and I can’t find the strength to keep my head above water. I go up and down – water gets into my mouth – I spit it out – I take a breath. Then I look up because God is up. I know He is there and He’s the only one who can help – I look up and set my eyes on Him.
God is my strength and hope – nothing else – no man – nothing else.
God will help me get back to land and get my feet firmly planted.
Until I can get to shore, I need your help to prayer because I want to quit and surrender to the God’s calling on my life – it’s too hard – it’s too much work – it’s too much pain. I feel alone and not sure what to do next.
Who will walk alongside me?
I feel like I’m going under again – THEN I look up once more – God help me….
I’ve been faithful.
I’m hearing your voice God.
I know how powerful you are God.
I know you fight for me God.
Help me have the strength to keep my head above water.
Help me keep my eyes on you God.
Remind me of the mission you have for me God. To help women by walking alongside them to stay strong in their relationship with you. All so we can be the women you need us to be, so we can pass our faith and strength to the next generation.
I pray for open doors of opportunities, for strategic ideas to help women who live in similar conditions and situations as I do. I pray you bring sustainability to the ministry to keep it financially stable. I pray for words of encouragement to be bountiful and easy to understand for all women I am allowed to come in contact with may it be in-person or online.
Help me share my story of redeeming grace from a dark past to help lost souls come to know you.
Help me communicate how mighty and powerful you are, how loving and caring you are, how amazing and merciful you are.
Rise up, rise up the mighty power of the Holy Spirit that lives in me!
No one said this life would be easy. Yet it is 100% better than my past lifestyle of addiction.
So where do I (we) go from here? You are WE if you felt any emotion in reading this.
We keep pressing on by asking for prayer, reading our Bible because it gives us life and keep on doing the next right thing.
Don’t ever give up! It may be the day that your breakthrough will happen!
Now I feel better, do you?
I’m lying on my back floating with the waves of life and I’m not sinking anymore! Praise God.
Checkout these verses to help give a biblical perspective.
You are your own worst enemy when you partner with a thief, for a curse of guilt will come upon you when you fail to report a crime. Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back. But when you place your confidence in the Lord, you will be seated in the high place. Proverbs 29: 24-25 TPT
“But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. For I have stayed on God’s paths, I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands but have treasured his words more than daily food. Job 23:10-12 NLT
And a worship song that lets me know who my rescuer is. Rescue by Jordan St. Cyr https://youtu.be/CAxSyMnGiDs
Do you want to develop a deeper understanding of God? Here are resources I’ve created with God’s help to share with others. Check out the ways that may fit your style.
- 10 Prayers to Build Confidence – Praying for yourself is the key to breaking free of things that want to hold us down. Focusing on God’s Word with ten prayers from scripture to help you gain new wisdom and understanding of God’s plans for you.
- 5-Day Devotion P.A.U.S.E. – Gain peace back when you pause your day. Say goodbye to swirling thoughts.
- 5-Must Do’s Before 8am to Deepen Your Faith – Need a faith boost? Don’t let another day go by without experiencing the motivation you deserve.
- 5 Steps to Know God by Studying the Bible – Study the Bible to deepen your faith with God with 5 steps. Receive weekly emails to keep you encouraged.
- Retreats – For Christian women to renew and strengthen their relationship with God. Hosted by Sue L. Hamilton and held twice a year, in the spring and fall with new lessons each retreat.