I Need Time
Apr 01, 2024The best investment you can make in your personal life is giving yourself time with God.
Why? Because God is the only one that can guide you each day to live out your life in strength for yourself and those you love.
The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. Isaiah 58:11 NLT
Sure, you can and may already give God a few minutes a day or the dedicated time when you're at church or a disciplined quiet time. But that time never seems to be enough time to get what you really need.
Time to soak in the stillness of quiet.
Time to sit and hear your thoughts.
Time to let emotions come to the surface.
Time to……you fill in the rest of the sentence.
And, time keeps ticking away from you. It’s like watching your children grow up and leave the house. Then, in a blink of your eye, your children are having children, and then you are looking at yourself in the mirror wondering who that old lady is looking back at you.
It’s time to invest in yourself by attending Peace in His Presence Retreats.
The fast paced lifestyle most of us live simply becomes our norm and we don’t know any difference until we get tripped up and fall flat on our face. Things like health issues, your children have things happening to them, your spouse being stressed at their job, and it makes you on edge, you can’t seem to keep your house in order, bills may go unnoticed, meals are thrown together and are not healthy. That’s when you hit the brick wall and the spinning chaos in life makes you crash. This is the time when you need to stop and refocus. But for heaven’s sake you can’t take time now, you have a huge mess to fix, clean up, or reorganize. The time for you will never happen.
The last thing we as women think of when the above describe situations of life happen is US and our needs. Yep, they are last thing on our list of priorities because if we take time ourselves, we feel guilty and selfish. Yet, downtime and rest are one of the best medicines to aid in getting our life back on track to what is important and valuable to us.
Can you relate to this?
Has there been a time in your life when God has had to force you into quiet, peace and rest after a painful circumstance so that you realize He has been put to the very bottom of your priorities?
Speaking from experience I have pushed past the nudges within me to stop, rest, take some much needed time for myself…. but NO, I chose not to. Each time this happens it builds up more space and distance from God and then I’ve had to learn a life lesson…listen to God the first time so I don’t need to go around the mountain and repeat this lesson.
Learning quickly has not been the norm in my life as God has forced quiet, peace, and rest on me in painful ways. I have learned from each one of His lessons and have gained wisdom. The wisdom to know when to set aside time for God so my relationship with Him is developed and strengthened allowing a steady pace and rhythm to happen in my life.
All of this being said it is the reason why Peace in His Presence Retreats was started. God wants women to take the time they need to renew and strengthen their relationship with Him so He can be the most valuable guide you depend on in your life.
These retreats are an investment for yourself. Allowing you the set aside time to for you and God to strengthen your relationship and renew your commitment to Him so He can be the highest priority.
Your time is valuable, and your money is an investment to get the results you need. Being wise with your money is the basic 101 of budgeting so the final decision needs to be pray fully committed to God. So, pray for God to lead you in what time you need.
Peace in His Presence Retreats are a….
Time to deepen your own personal relationship with God.
Time to seek God’s presence with sessions of teaching and set aside quiet.
Time to discover how quiet is valuable and needed.
Time for prayer and worship.
If you are ready to invest in yourself register for one of the retreats held twice a year, spring and fall time https://www.suelhamilton.com/retreats found in the beauty of the Turtle Mountains at Lake Metigoshe, near Bottineau, ND. Relax in the Metigoshe Ministries Retreat Center which features individually themed, hotel-style rooms, prepared meals, access to the water at the lake, and open space to find your quiet space you deserve.
Learn more about Peace in His Presence Retreats hosted by Sue L. Hamilton https://www.suelhamilton.com/retreats
We look forward to seeing you soon.